Great run by Teasin’ Tina

The preparations

Brendon starting the fuelling
Brendon starting the fuelling
Found - a weeping brake unit
Found- a weeping brake unit


What a blast on Sunday. Teasin’ Tina was awesome, enthralling an exceptionally large crowd at the Cold War Jets Open Day.  A perfect aborted take off demonstration by the flight crew made possible by the


extreme hard work over previous weekends by the dedicated and appreciated ground crew.  Bob Tux took her up to 100mph before cancelling the roll and streaming the shoot for ample photographic opportunities.  Great work by all!!!

Changed, fixed with gentle persuasion
Changed, fixed with gentle persuasion







Good job - bag streamed
Good job – bag streamed
Jettisoned- and back to dispersal
Jettisoned – and back to dispersal