A Poignant Occasion

In the early hours of the 10th May 1973 Victor SR2 XL230 of No 543 Squadron crashed during an approach in bad weather at RAF Wyton.  Unfortunately all 6 crew members were killed.  The Copilot was Flight Lieutenant John Phillips and his daughter, Hannah, who never knew her Father, contacted Chris Long, a friend of John’s from pilot training and the squadron, to discover more about her father.  Chris was able to get a number of No 543 Squadron colleagues with personal reminiscences in contact with Hannah.  This culminated in a visit by Hannah and partner Greg to the CWJ Open Day on the 29th May.  Hannah was given a guided tour of Teasin’ Tina by Mike, who also served with John.  In a former life XM715 was also an SR2 on No 543 Squadron.  Hannah spent time in the cockpit in the seat her Father would have occupied and looking at the view he would have had.  It was a privilege to facilitate such a poignant event.


Hannah and Mike about to start the tour
Hannah and Mike about to start the tour
Mike and Greg in discussion
Hannah lost in her thoughts