It was an extremely wet Open Day for the Cold War Jets. Thank you to the photographers and friends who stayed to the end to capture the Victor aborted take off demo – you were heroes and produced some excellent photography. Many thanks for sharing them with us.
The two jets had a few faults when starting up on Saturday to position down to the start line for Sunday. No 3 on the Victor got too hot on start and was closed down. We tugged it directly into wind, it did the trick, just, and 3 and 4 started just within EGT limits. The Nimrod has not been moved for two years, so problems were anticipated. The brakes seemed to be sticking on after applications. A novel solution found after shut down involving a bungee cord to assist the the release of the pedals, assumed as the culprit, worked.
Sunday weather deteriorated around 1030 and set wet for the rest of the day. However, both the Victor and Nimrod engines and systems behaved perfectly – testament to the work of our ground crew. The Nimrod fix was excellent and learning from the previous days ticklish engine starts, the Victor was aligned to make best use of any headwind. After the display they are both now put to bed for the winter. We do hope to see you in late May.