Living the Dream

On Sunday at the Open Day the Teasin’ Tina crew were able to make one mans dream come true.  Chris Gilson, the editor of the excellent aviation magazine for restored aircraft, “Flypast” had, since childhood, harboured the dream of a ride in a Victor.  As thanks for his recent superlative article on Victor XM715, the team invited him to ride during the aborted take off demonstration at the CWJ Open Day on Sunday.   In his own words when I asked him on Monday if he had stopped smiling yet he said:

“I have to be honest and say no, I haven’t stop smiling yet. I can’t thank you and Bob, Glyn and Terry enough for my ride.  As I said at the time, it was genuinely a boyhood dream – from climbing all over the K1 that was on the fire dump at St Athan many years ago as an air cadet I’ve loved Victors, and that really was the icing on the cake.”

We enjoyed the ride as well as seen in the photo.

Chris Gilson and the crew
Chris with the flight deck crew – Bob, Glyn, Terry and Mike

Great run by Teasin’ Tina

The preparations

Brendon starting the fuelling
Brendon starting the fuelling
Found - a weeping brake unit
Found- a weeping brake unit


What a blast on Sunday. Teasin’ Tina was awesome, enthralling an exceptionally large crowd at the Cold War Jets Open Day.  A perfect aborted take off demonstration by the flight crew made possible by the


extreme hard work over previous weekends by the dedicated and appreciated ground crew.  Bob Tux took her up to 100mph before cancelling the roll and streaming the shoot for ample photographic opportunities.  Great work by all!!!

Changed, fixed with gentle persuasion
Changed, fixed with gentle persuasion







Good job - bag streamed
Good job – bag streamed
Jettisoned- and back to dispersal
Jettisoned – and back to dispersal





Provisional Programme of Running Aircraft 29th May

Running Order Sun 29th May 2016:

11:00 – Nimrod

11:30 – Canberra

12:00 – JP Formation of 3 plus visiting Strikemaster

12:30 – 2 Buccanneers

13:00 – Iskra & Delphin Duo

13:30 – Victor Aborted Take Off Fast Run

14:00 – Hunter T7 and hopefully Hunter GA11

14:30 – BoB Spitfire & Hurricane flythrough

14:45 – Iskra & Delphin Duo

15:00 – Lightning F6

15:30 -Large Remotely Controlled Model Aircraft

16:00 – VC10K

Visiting  Strikemaster/JP4 Fly through

Large Model Aircraft Group will fit in the gaps
(Weather and technical problems may affect participation of exhibits)

Artouste Blank Clocks

We are selling clocks manufactured from new unused Artouste jet engine blanks to raise funds to maintain Teasin’ Tina.  They retail at £15 each and are on display in our Victor merchandise tent in the concessionary line.  An excellent opportunity to own a Victor spare part imaginatively reworked.

Artouste Clock